Well who would have thought it that I (Tris) would have suffered the first injury of our training. "How did this happen?" I hear you ask. Well if you are sitting comfortably I will begin.
It all started on a cold and blustery morning. Sounds familiar, right? I decided it would be a perfect day to ride to work and get on top of some of those hundreds of training miles that I know I am going to have to do. (Dave are you hearing this? You might even have unwrap your bike from it's cotton wool!)
Although it was a struggle against hurricane strength winds and I was soaked through I had made the 14 miles to Castle Gate in what was proving to be a record time. As a law abiding cyclist I even stopped for the red light on the island and waited whilst trying not to peer back at the 'White Van Man' alongside me that must have found me the most interesting thing in the world given all the interest he was giving me.
As I set of I went to clip my left foot into my pedal and 'crunch' my foot slipped and the pedal smashed me in the shin. Did it hurt? Well it hurt that much all I could do was let out a low moan and look on in dismay as the van driver laughed all the way past me.
I managed to limp up Castle Hill and get to work where no sympathy was shown to me by my fellow Team mates. Cheers guys....
Just if you're interested here's a picture...
Can I just say that it hurt a lot and was worse than it looks on the picture. So hard in fact that I broke the cleat on the bottom of my shoe!
Can I please say a massive thank you to two local companies that have just pledged their support for the logistical side of the ride. Both Dudley Building Society and Dudley Motor Company have been sweet talked by the "Daddy" of the Wrens Nest (Paul, in case you didn't know). Before they knew what had happened they had shaken hands with Paul and sold their souls to the Team. So thanks again.
But thats not to forget those local companies that have already given support. The Black Country Museum, The Village Hotel and Dudley Zoo.
Thanks for reading and if you like what you see please donate on our JustGiving page. It's all in a good cause.
You have taken the term 'exaggeration' and the expression 'drama queen' to new heights Tris. And to include photos......what can I say......