The following was printed in the Dudley News
PCSO David Grove, Pc Keith Scott, PCSO Bev McCabe, Pc Paul Davies, PCSO John Link, Pc Tristram Oliver and PCSO Omar Sharif get set for the Land's End to John O'Groats ride. Buy Photo: 121146M
Dudley police take on 1,000 mile cycle challenge
12:30pm Wednesday 23rd March 2011
A GROUP of intrepid Dudley police officers are swapping cycling around the Castle and Priory ward for a 1,000 mile ride from Land's End to John O'Groats, all in the name of charity.
The seven members of the Castle and Priory neighbourhood policing team, who have nicknamed themselves 'The Castle Wheelers' are taking on the mammoth two week challenge from July 9 in aid of the children's ward at Russells Hall Hospital.
The team - made up of three Pc's and four PCSO's - will be tackling the route to raise money for foldaway beds for parents who want to stay with their children in hospital overnight.
Each bed costs around £700 each and the officers are hoping to purchase as many as they can for the ward.
Four members - Pc's Tristram Oliver, Paul Davis and Keith Scott, alongside PCSO David Grove will be completing the arduous cycle from start to finish, while PCSO's Omar Sharif, Bev McCabe and John Link will provide the back up in two support vehicles - with one donated by Dudley Motor Company, while another has been donated by Dudley Building Society..
Leading the challenge, Pc Oliver, said: "It was something we all thought about doing and thought we would do something for Russells Hall Hospital as it is local.
"Most of us have children and wouldn't like to think of them in hospital and us not being there with them."
PCSO Grove, said: "We wanted to raise money for something achievable and knew fundraising for a piece of equipment was out the question, as that costs around £50,000 so we set a target of around £1,500 which would be enough for two beds, but we are hoping to raise enough to buy more."
The team are training for the ride by cycling to and from work, as well as their regular rides while out on patrol in the neighbourhood, while also taking part in training rides on days off, reaching up to 65 miles to date.
The riders, who all said they were "apprehensive" about the challenge, have also managed to beg free accommodation from police and fire stations along the route, as well as sponsorship from borough businesses, so all money raised can go towards their fundraising efforts.
To sponsor the team visit
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