Our Charity

Our Charity

Monday, 2 May 2011

A new post, my word!!

I must say a big sorry as I have been a little lax in my posting recently. This is due to lots of reason which I won't bore you with right now. Though I might at a later date. So be warned!
A welcome break.
On the training front, members of the Team have spent days together going on training rides. As you can see from the videos and photos on the Gallery page, fun was had by all and a lot was learned about how we are going to carryout the actual running of the days on the ride. With a bit tinkering we have worked out that we don't need a long lunch stop as we start to stiffen up and the old legs don't work very well. (I also tend to "bonk" really badly after such a stop).
Me, not feeling very well. Thanks for the banana Keith!

So we are going to have a short stop and something to eat every 20 miles and carry this on throughout the day. I'm sure this will change to some degree when we start the challenge.

We didn't get very far on the last training ride as my rear tyre decided to split and we all had to limp home after only 13 miles. Sorry Guys!!
"Does anyone know where we are?"
We have also received our Team shirts and I must say they do look quite good. I had a few sleepless nights waiting for them to arrive after designing them but I'm happy with the end result. If you happen to see anyone riding around the Midlands, give them a wave, it might be me.
The shirt design.
It's only about 8 weeks now until the day will arrive when our family and friends will wave us off with a tear in their eye (tears of joy I would imagine) and we set off on our merry way. Please see the Route page for a description. I am currently trying to plot the various stages onto my sat nav. Stage which I must say were approved by Dave and I as "official Planners" but now everyone has an opinion. "If we go this way", "Just turn off there", "why are we going this way" and "I can save us half a mile this way" are only a few of the many helpful pieces of advice I have been gifted recently. Cheers.
Keep going Keith!
The link to the first day's route can be found here.

Keith, Dave and I will be taking part in the Aberdovey Bike Ride that goes from Wolverhampton to Aberdovey over a hundred miles in June. The organisers have been kind enough to name The Castle Wheelers as one of their Charities that they are riding for this year. This should bring in a lot of money for the Dudley Group of Hospitals so again, thanks.

Will post again soon.

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