Day 12 Inverness to Helmsdale
So, the Trivial Pursuit lasted about 7 minutes before everyone got peed of with Paul knowing all the answers to the music questions. I couldn’t even Google quick enough to pose any competition!
Again we were up at 7. It was freezing. About 10 degrees, but I was assured by some of the locals that this was a ‘Scottish heat wave’! Nevertheless, I am still in my shorts, but for how much longer is anyone’s guess. We were a little worried about Keith though, as he seemed to have forgotten what his bike looked like!
We were fortunate that the Fire Service didn’t get any shouts last night. We were expecting them to as Inverness station is the Highlands & Islands HQ and they’d had a few calls for service yesterday afternoon.
Keith, Dave, Paul and Tris, left just after 9. I was still packing the bus when disaster struck once again. The rear of the bus has double doors which need to be shut in sequence and I managed to cock it up and get them jammed. But never fear, Omar and his tool box stepped into the breach! The girls left us to it and for an hour or so, we were the ‘forgotten two’ once more. With a bit of ingenuity and brute force, we had it sorted and began chasing the lads down.
We caught the boys up after about 15 miles. The scenery while Leaving Inverness was quite pretty, but nothing like what we had been treated to over the previous few days. You will be pleased to know that Dave is flying today. The average speed has shot right up. I think everyone can see the end now and is eager to get there! We
I don’t expect to get much reception tomorrow for the last blog, so we thought we would do this now;
On behalf of all the Castle Wheelers I would like to acknowledge and thank the following people/groups for their support and co-operation;
arrived into Helmsdale just after 3pm. Helmsdale is a little village and so too is the station. We knew it was going to be small as we had seen it on the internet. However, on arrival, we were contemplating sleeping in the fire truck as that was the only room! Steve, our Helmsdale contact, showed us around, which didn't take long, then left us to it. I don't want this to sound ungrateful, because we are very much honoured that the Highlands and Islands Fire Service are putting us up. It’s just that we have all had a good chuckle trying to work out where we are going to sleep! Within an hour, Paul managed to beak one of the showers, and Omar once again transformed into ‘Chef Omar’ and made ‘Spag Bol ’under the supervision of Bev and Jo of course!
John O’ Groats is less than 60 miles now. The end is definitely in sight! But as one journey ends, another starts; when we reach JOG tomorrow will have a quick photo session before packing everyone into the vehicles and heading straight back to Dudley. This will mean driving through the night! Google reckons it will take about 11 hours but I guess we’ll see.
Launceston Police station
The people of West Buckland
Matt from Avon and Somerset Police
Shrewsbury Fire Station
The Village Hotel Warrington
The doctors at Hawkshead surgery
Lockerbie Fire Station
The Watermill Hotel Paisley
Fort William fire station
Inverness fire Station
Helmsdale Fire Station.
Travelstar European Ltd
Dudley motor Company
All of our sponsors and everyone who has made a donation to the cause; with either money, or time
The remaining officers of The Castle & Priory team, who have had to put up with us organising this challenge for the last seven months and have been working extra hard covering for us while we have been away.
Sgt Warren Hayward and Inspector Richard Jones, for allowing us to take time off work to take on the challenge and for being very accommodating during the last few months of preparation.
Finally, all our friends and family who have supported us, and in some cases, given us permission to do the ride!!
(Anyone else we've not mentioned!)
But above all, thank you to everyone who has been bothered to read the blog!
Posted by John
Well done everyone. Be good to see u all back at work on Sunday.