Our Charity

Our Charity

Saturday, 9 July 2011

First Day

I am updating this with my iPhone so please excuse any spelling mistakes. These things are quite a fiddle.
We have managed to cycle 10 miles. This is good news as we are very comfortable in our digs for the night at the YHA at Penzance.
The bad news is that our lovely minibus is broken. It went in for a change of tyre yesterday and the wheel wasn't put back on properly. Luckily the wheel didn't fall off on motorway. The bad news is it can't be fixed until Tuesday!!! John and Omar are now "living rough" in the van until it can be fixed whilst the four riders and two remaining support crew carry on as best they can.
What a nightmare!! I'm having a glass of gin to help me sleep and forget about the stress of it all.
Tris ( stressed )
Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're all fit after a night of G n T. Good luck for today guys.
